Joining Philadelphia Baptist Church
Two Qualifications For Church Membership
1) Salvation
Before anyone may join Philadelphia Baptist Church they must have a profession of salvation. Baptism does not save. Doing good deeds does not save. Salvation is a work that God does in a person when he receives Jesus as Lord. At that point a person is born-again and becomes a child of God.
2) Baptist Baptism
Baptism is a picture, symbol, statement that a person is saved. It pictures Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection. This is pictured by totally submersing a person under the water and then bringing him back up out of the water. Baptism is the “door” to church membership. A born-again beliver is not a church member until he is baptized. After he is baptized he is a member of the local, visible church that baptized him.
Three Methods Of Joining
There are three ways in which this church will accept new members.
1) Profession of Faith & Baptism
First, a person may unite with us by profession of faith and subsequent baptism. This means that a person publicly confesses to be a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, and is asking for baptism and membership in Philadelphia Baptist Church. The act of baptism identifies the believer with Christ and with His church. After baptism a person is a member.
2) Letter of Transfer
Second, a person may unite with us by a letter of transfer from another Baptist church of like faith and order. When someone requests to join in this fashion, Philadelphia Baptist Church will request a letter of transfer of membership from the candidate’s former church.
3) Statement of Faith
Third, a person may unite with us by statement. This signifies that the candidate was once a member of another Baptist church of like faith and practice but a letter of transfer is unobtainable. Philadelphia Baptist Church will generally accept a candidate’s statement about his baptism and membership in another Baptist church; however, it is important that a full explanation be given to the church concerning why a letter of transfer is unobtainable.
The Membership Process
You do not become a member of Jesus Christ’s church when you are saved. You become a member of Jesus Christ’s church after you are baptized. Baptism is the door to church membership. Each church is a local, visible church and you can only be a member of one local, visible church at a time. In order to join a legitimate Baptist church you must:
- Have a profession of salvation and a “born-again” experience as found in John chapter 3.
- Have a Baptist baptism from an ordained Baptist minister in a local, visible Baptist church.
- Have our church receive you into its membership.
If you are interested in joining this church then schedule a meeting with the pastor and we will discuss the membership criteria.
Two Church Ordinances
1) Baptism
Baptism is not sacramental. Baptism is symbolic; picturing the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ and a representation of what has already taken place through conversion: death to the old life, its burial, and raised to walk in newness of life in Christ.
2) Lord’s Supper
Only our church members may participate in the Lord’s Supper and we do not use wine, we use the “fruit of the vine” which is grape juice.
Five Expectations Of Church Members
1 Corinthians 4:2 (KJV) Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful.
Church members are required to be faithful.
- Faithfully Attend
- Faithfully Tithe
- Faithfully Read The Bible
- Faithfully Pray
- Faithfully Witness To Others
Church membership is not just a religious exercise. To unite with the Philadelphia Baptist Church is to agree with our church covenant, and it is uniting with us for the purpose of glorifying God in all that we think, say, and do; endeavoring to achieve that purpose through the public worship of God, the preaching of His Word, consistently living what we preach, and by local and global evangelistic effort.
In order to do this, a church member must be faithful in church attendance, study the Bible (the learning is for living), pray daily for God’s help and leadership, faithfully give a tithe and offering to support the Lord’s work, and take an active part in this church’s ministry.
Proverbs 20:6 (KJV) Most men will proclaim every one his own goodness: but a faithful man who can find?